As the summer months approach, your air conditioning unit becomes a vital part of your home. However, like any other appliance, your AC unit won’t last forever. So, how do you know when it’s time to replace it? Here are ten signs that it might be time to invest in a new air conditioning unit. 

10 Signs      

  • Age of Your Unit  

An air conditioning unit that’s older than 10-15 years is nearing the end of its lifespan. At this point, it’s more cost-effective to replace your AC unit than to keep repairing it. In addition, newer models are more energy-efficient, which can save you money on your electricity bills. 

  • Frequent Repairs 

If you’ve been calling in the experts more than usual, your AC unit might be on its last legs. Frequent repairs can be a sign that your unit is no longer functioning properly, and it might be time to consider a replacement. 

  • Increasing Energy Bills 

If your energy bills are higher than usual, it could be because your AC unit is not running efficiently. As your unit ages, it can become less efficient, which can result in higher energy costs. 

  • Uneven Cooling 

If some rooms in your home are significantly cooler or warmer than others, it could be a sign that your AC unit is not working correctly. An old or damaged unit might not be able to distribute cool air evenly throughout your home. 

  • Strange Noises 

If your AC unit is making strange noises, it could be a sign that it’s struggling to keep up. Rattling, banging, or hissing sounds can indicate that your unit needs to be replaced. 

  • Foul Smells 

If your AC unit is emitting strange or unpleasant odours, it could be a sign that there’s a problem. Musty or moldy smells can indicate that there’s mold or mildew in your unit, which can be harmful to your health. 

  • Poor Air Quality

If you notice more dust, allergens, or other particles in your home, it could be a sign that your AC unit is no longer working correctly. An old or damaged unit might not be able to filter out these particles, which can affect your health. 

  • Refrigerant Leaks 

If your AC unit is low on refrigerant, it might be due to a leak. Refrigerant leaks can be dangerous and can cause your unit to stop working altogether. If you suspect a refrigerant leak, it’s essential to call in the experts.  

  • Inconsistent Cycling 

If your AC unit is cycling on and off too frequently, it could be a sign that it’s struggling to keep up with demand. An old or damaged unit might not be able to maintain a consistent temperature, which can result in more wear and tear on your unit.  

  • Outdated Technology

If your AC unit is more than ten years old, it likely uses outdated technology. Newer models are much more efficient and can save you money on your energy bills. If you’re still using an older unit, it might be time to consider an upgrade.  


There are several signs that it might be time to replace your AC unit. If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to call in the experts to assess the situation. A new, more efficient unit can save you money in the long run and keep your home cool and comfortable all summer long. 


Contact Us

If you’re in need of a new AC unit or need a repair, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Bronco. We’re here to help keep your plumbing, heating and cooling systems in tip-top shape. ’re interested or in need of a protection plan, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Bronco. We’re here to help keep your plumbing, heating and cooling systems in tip-top shape.